The Work Moves On...

Tonight I was sitting in a carport in front of a house with a friend in my ward who is from Chile. She and I are ward missionaries. We were huddled with our heads together over her cell phone listening to it ring. We had just dialed the number of a guy we had never met who's records had just come into our ward. His voice came on the line asking us to leave a message. I don't speak Spanish so I had no clue what he had said and I was just staring at my friend  who was looking at me just waiting for me to talk - suddenly we burst out laughing - and I finally left a garbled message asking him to call us back. 

I couldn't help but marvel as we got out and headed up the stairs to the next door, how so much like a full-time missionary I felt right then. And here I thought when I left my mission I wouldn't get the chance to preach the gospel side by side with amazing international sisters like those I had grow to dearly love and cherish on my mission. Yet here we were, doing it again. Not 20 mins before my friend and I had been sitting in the living room of a girl from El Salvador who was telling us about her roommate from Yemen and her Saudi-Arabian boyfriend. 

I received a text message today from a young man not of our faith that I met once last year. I had knocked on his door 10 months earlier looking for someone else in our ward and ended up talking to him, asking his age and inviting him out to play soccer with our ward that next week. Out of the blue he texted me today to say hi and reconnect. 

Last Sunday a less-active young man in my ward came to church for the first time since I met him -I'm not sure how long it's been since he attended church last, but that was his first time attending our ward. It was so fun to laugh and talk with him and get to know him better. I never would have guessed when he first answered that door 18 months ago that someday he'd be sitting next to me in church. He's awesome, and feels like an old friend. 

Missionary work lives on. And I've never been happier in my life - than when I am doing it. :)



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