I was blind, but now I see.

So tonight at six Valeria and I headed over to visit a sister in our ward and to say hello, we're trying to meet everyone and put names and faces together so Katie was up on the list tonight. We rang the doorbell and her roommate Mary answered. "Hi is Katie here?" We asked. "Yeah, just one second, " she responded, "KATIE!" "Yeah" Katie said from the kitchen. "Someone's here to see you", her roommate responded. "Who?" Katie asked. "It's me!" I said loudly from the doorway, just teasing, but was shocked as Katie's response rang back from the kitchen. "Oh hi Stephanie! I'll be right there!" Katie is blind. She is a college student living on her own and attending classes at the local college. She's one of the most cheerful people you will ever meet. As she came into the room she explained how she recognized my voice from talking with me at church one Sunday. I was amazed. Wha...