The Carpenter's Son

A few days ago I busted out my Christmas decorations. I love Christmas! And I LOVE decorating for Christmas, probably because when I was a kid my mom used to transform our house one day when we were at school. She would remove ALL of our normal decor and replace it with Christmas pictures, lights and decorations top to bottom. We'd come bursting in the front door and it was like magic - the whole house was different and completely Christmasy! She did everything but the tree, the tree we got to do together. 

Well this year I got out a Nativity set that I purchased last year, it's a small wood carved set and inside the box was a book called "The First Nativity" by Ron Brough and Kathy Gordon. 

It's a cute story, if you haven't read it I highly recommend it! The thing I loved most about it is that it made me think of the Savior as a little child. His father was a carpenter by trade and chances are he would have taught Joseph his trade as he grew up. Something about that made the Savior come alive for me. Thinking about him sitting at his father's side learning to carve from wood little figurines, perhaps much like the ones I had purchased in my little Nativity set.

In Luke 2:52 we read  "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man". I love this verse! Thinking of the Son of God learning and growing as we do, increasing and little by little in the ways of God and man. I'm certain he grew and learned at a much faster pace than you or I - but I know this - every time I look at my little wooden Nativity set from now on I am going to think of the carpenter's son learning and growing day by day into the Perfect Son. 


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